Live with Purpose, Hope, and Love.
Warning: You are anything but average.
Living different means having an eternal mindset.
Say what? Come again. That sounds like some serious Christianese right there.
Time to get back to the basic’s friends, pull up your tiny chair, and put your thinking cap on. I’m taking you back to 3rd grade to explain this elementary kingdom principal. Eyes back on the board, please.
An eternal mindset is a term to fix your eyes on Jesus. More specifically, it means taking your eyes off your current situation and looking at your circumstances from God’s perspective.
As Christians, heaven is our ultimate destination after we die. Thus, an eternal mindset places our hope in Jesus (who is our ticket to heaven). It means living in such a way to secure our spot in heaven. Easier said than done and the reason for this blog. To encourage you to live different by drawing one step closer to Jesus, one day at a time. Discover more tips and tricks by subscribing to my YouTube channel.
Essentially an eternal mindset helps to understand that there is a bigger picture in mind. Because God is all-knowing, He sees the bigger picture that we can’t. There is often more at play than our present circumstances and situations reveal. It’s like we are in a big puzzle. When we start the puzzle, we can’t see how all the pieces fit together. But in time, the pieces slowly come together. When they do, the bigger picture is revealed. Ta-dah! It takes a dose of patience and a dash of perseverance. But isn’t that just like life?
Two big pieces of the eternal mindset puzzle can help you live different:
1. Trust God
The answer to life’s mysteries is to trust God. Forget about your desire and need to make sense of everything around you. Instead, trust God. Or the more Pinterest friendly term is: Let Go + Let God.
- Trust that He knows you better than yourself.
- Trust that He loves you more than any human on planet earth.
- Trust that he wants what’s best for you.
- Trust that he is a good God.
Faith is trusting in Jesus. Faith in Jesus is your ticket to heaven. Therefore, an eternal mindset starts with trusting God.
- When things don’t go your way, trust God.
- When you aren’t feeling well, trust God.
- When you are disappointed, trust God.
Life looks different when we trust God. It’s not normal.
- Normal looks to Google for understanding.
- Normal takes matters into our own hands.
- Normal takes control of the situation.
It’s not normal to let go and let God.
- To the world, it looks like we don’t care.
- To the world, we appear unproductive.
- To the world, we seem ignorant.
But that’s the point. We aren’t created to look like the world. We are meant to LIVE DIFFERENT.
“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)
2. Leave a legacy
Another piece of the eternal mindset pie is understanding legacy. By definition, legacy is a gift handed down from the past. That gift is you. Everyone leaves behind the gift of time and wisdom. How much or how little depends on you. The quality, content, and substance are up to you.
The mistake most folks make is waiting until the end of their life to consider their legacy.
The legacies we leave behind are made TODAY (not after we die) – every decision, conversation, and relationship is an opportunity to leave our imprint. This is the shift and the key to looking at our legacy a little differently. Whether you choose to recognize it or not, how you treat others today leaves a mark. If your ultimate destination is heaven, then everything we do should propel us toward that goal.
Live with purpose.
Live with love.
Live with hope.
What legacy are you leaving TODAY?
Being different brings distinction. When we choose to live for God, life looks different, and that’s a good thing. Let’s link arms with Jesus and be in the business of changing people’s lives and making a difference in this world. The world needs the gift of you. The world is waiting for you to show up. You got this girl. Rise up, Take Courage, and LIVE DIFFERENT.